Daily Attendance (Elementary Schools)
• Please report a student absence by phone call, email, or in ParentVUE. (Not sure how to report an absence on ParentVUE? Click here).
• If an absence has not been reported before attendance is taken (within 30 minutes of the start of the school day), we will contact you in a primary language.
• For safety reasons, the school needs to confirm you got the message saying your child is not at school. Please confirm receipt of the message.
•School staff will try multiple times in multiple ways to contact a parent or guardian if we're unable to confirm receipt of an absence message. A home visit may be considered if there are multiple days of no contact from parents or guardians.
• Some students miss school routinely due to chronic behavioral, mental, or physical health issues. Parents and guardians of students in these situations can work with the school to create an individualized attendance communication plan.
Monthly Absence Notices
On the last Friday morning of each month, an automated system contacts parents and guardians of PSD students who have been out a certain number or percentage of days to update them on their child’s attendance status and, if absences are ongoing or frequent, request documentation.
Who gets a letter? Anyone whose child is chronically absent or habitually truant.
• Chronic Absenteeism = missing at least 10% of the school days so far in the school year, including both excused and unexcused absences. There are different letters for missing 10%, 15%, or 25% or more of school days.
• Habitually Truant = four or more unexcused absences in one month or 10 or more unexcused absences in a school year. Learn more about unexcused absences.>>
What happens if I get one of these letters? The goal of these letters is to offer support, not to shame or punish anyone. Different letters require different actions:
• Letters for students who have been absent at least 10% of the time or have had four or more unexcused absences in one month are sent for awareness and offer an optional meeting to discuss a plan for addressing barriers to attendance.
• Students who have been absent at least 15% of the time or have had 10 or more unexcused absences for the year will need documentation of absences (such as illness, appointments, essential travel, etc.).
• For students with at least 25% absenteeism, a meeting between the student, their parent(s)/guardian(s), and the school is recommended. The meeting may be required if absences are negatively impacting the student’s academic growth and performance.
Who can help? Your child’s teacher, counselor, school administration, and family liaison are all here to help remove barriers to attendance. Together, we can work on a plan to support your child.