Lopez’s Integrated Services staff serves students with a wide range of needs. Students who are eligible to receive special education services may receive specialized instruction to address specific learning disabilities, speech/language impairments, occupational and physical therapy supports relating to accessing their school environment, and behavior/emotional supports through our school psychologist.
Our Integrated Learning Supports (ILS) Program supports students with significant needs, focusing on a multitude of areas, including academic skills, communication, motor skills, adaptive skills, and independence. Academic skills in reading and mathematics are taught in alignment with grade-appropriate content, and the educational learning environment of students without disabilities.
Our team, made up of 2 teachers, a speech/language pathologist, an occupational therapist, a physical therapist, a school psychologist, and a wonderful support staff of paraprofessionals, has a combined 199 years of experience working with students having special needs!!!!! Our goal is to work side by side with parents, developing specialized instructional plans (Individualized Education Plans), to address students’ academic, social, emotional, behavioral, and functional skills.